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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Let it snow! Kate Garraway leads the celebrities taking advantage of the freezing temps in furry fashion

By Andrea Magrath

Winter wardrobe: Kate Garraway looks untroubled by the freezing temps in her fur coat

It was not just mere mortals who had to battle the elements when Londoners woke up to early winter snow this morning.

But while most of us dealt with delayed trains and buses, local celebrities appeared to have one thing on their minds - what to wear?

Kate Garraway led the way with an all-out winter wardrobe, spotted outside the ITV studios in a full-length fur coat.

Hats on! Fellow Daybreak news presenter Tasmin Lucia Khan left the London studios in a padded jacket and trendy trapper fur hat

Wrapped up in a sequinned beanie hat, a cozy jumper and heels, the Daybreak presenter looked untroubled by the chill as she left work this morning.

Other stars braving the elements were Elle Macpherson and Fearne Cotton, who both got caught in today's unseasonal snow.

Supermodel Elle managed to remain glamorous without a pair of Wellie boots or mittens in sight on this morning's school run.

Warm enough? Elle Macpherson makes the quick dash to her car in a fur-lined jacket and leather trousers on this morning's school run

Only having to make the short dash from her car to the school gate, the 47-year-old wore tight leather trousers, a knitted jumper and high heeled boots.

She added a cap, fur-lined jacket and sunglasses to the outfit, but looked like she might have been regretting leaving the gloves behind as she curled her cold hands up in her sleeves.

Fearne Cotton also took advantage of the opportunity for some winter fashion today, sporting a Russian-style fur hat.

Battling the elements: Fearne Cotton was caught in the snow as she left BBC Radio 1

The 29-year-old looked stylish as she left BBC's Radio 1 studios with an unmbrella in hand to avoid the snow flakes.

But her open coat, skirt and stockings ensemble may have left the radio DJ shivering as she made her way home.

One celebrity not too taken with the weather is Tina O'Brien.

The Coronation Street star was left stranded after her car broke down.

The 27-year-old was forced to wait in her freezing car with her two-year-old daughter Scarlett for three hours to be towed.

The actress kept herself entertained during the lengthy wait by chatting to fans on Twitter.

She wrote: 'Of all the days 4 the car 2 break down,and in rush hour traffic, getting some seriously filthy looks Jeeze I didn't do it on purpose people!'

She added: 'So cold :( come on mr breakdown Man please hurry up hypothermia is setting in.'

After a few hours, and uploading a photo of herself looking less than impressed, O'Brien gave up hope of being rescued by the AA and called on her father.

'Have abandoned all hope of ever getting rescued so dad is here to save me,' she tweeted.

While London celebrities only had to brave the cold temperatures and a light dusting of snow, those living in the countryside woke to find a blanket of white surrounding them.

Kerry Katona battled the slippery snow as she made her way to a waiting car outside her Surrey home this morning.

Also sporting the celebrity-winter uniform of fur, the reality star, currently filming her new series, stepped gingerly towards the vehicle with her minders in tow.

Do you have a story about a celebrity? Call the Daily Mail showbusiness desk on 0207 938 6364 or 0207 938 6683

Country scene: Kerry Katona's Surrey home received a good powdering


Tempted by laser eye surgery? It's not without risks

By Alison Smith Squire

Regret: Lois Roberts now suffers from painfully dry eyes

The TV advert for laser eye surgery made it sound so straightforward that Lois ­Roberts didn’t think twice.

‘The idea of just being able to see perfectly as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning seemed fantastic,’ says the law graduate.

She’d worn contacts and glasses for short-sightedness since she was 13-years-old and ‘really looked forward to being able to bin them’.

‘I also played a lot of sport such as hockey and found wearing glasses ­annoying,’ she says.

Her parents thought it was such a good idea that they helped pay for the £1,500 cost as a present for her 21st birthday.

Yet, instead of the simple pain-free experience Lois was led to expect, the surgery to correct her short-sightedness left her in agony for days.

Worse, three years on, she still has ­painfully dry eyes as a result of damage to the nerves that stimulate tears.

Lois has to apply eye drops daily - which in itself is a problem, as ­long-term use can raise the risk of chronic eye inflammation. Dry eyes can also lead to serious infections and, ultimately, even loss of vision.

As well as dry eyes, Lois suffers from constant floaters and poorer night vision.

‘The floaters are like clumps of black lines and dots,’ she says. ‘I’ve been reassured they’re harmless, but they are incredibly annoying.’

Floaters occur as a result of a popular form of laser surgery in which a flap is cut into the surface of the cornea — the clear, domed part of the eyeball.

The flap is lifted so that the laser can remove some of the corneal tissue underneath, to reshape it. But if the flap is folded back down with wrinkles in it or doesn’t adhere to the eye properly, it can result in speckles in vision. Poor night-time vision occurs because part of the cornea has been lasered incorrectly.

The good news is that the surgery did correct her short-sightedness ­(previously it was minus 4.5; now she has ‘perfect’ vision).

But I’m upset I wasn’t warned enough at my ­initial consultation that anything like this could happen,’ says Lois, from North Wales. ‘I would have thought much harder about it had I known the risks.’

This is far from a unique ­experience. Marketing manager Sarah Carter, 45, is taking legal action after treatment to correct severe short-sightedness (minus 6.5) left her with such dry eyes she needed further surgery.

Unfortunately, this operation also went wrong, and the laser damaged the rim of her eyelids.

As a result, Sarah, from Maidstone, Kent, ­suffers from painful ingrowing eyelashes, which must be plucked ­several times a month by an ­optician. She is about to undergo further eye surgery at Moorfields Eye Hospital, but there is no ­guarantee of any cure.

Five years since she had the laser eye surgery, she says: ‘I regret ever having it done. It seemed incredibly straightforward and, at the time, I was just fed up of the inconvenience of contact lenses and glasses.

‘But that was nothing compared to the agony I’ve endured since.

‘I can’t wear eye make-up any more, and my days are full of drops, ointment and constant eye irritation.’

Every year, 100,000 Britons undergo laser eye surgery, which alters the shape of the cornea to correct long and short-sightedness.

First carried out in Britain in 1989, the technique was ­marketed as an end for the need to wear contact lenses and glasses.

Since then, a whole range of ­different types of laser surgery have become available.
However, some experts are ­concerned that the multi-­million-pound industry glosses over some unpleasant, and sometimes ­serious, side effects.

Last year, a Which? report claimed six out of ten ­opticians offering laser eye surgery — including branches of big chains such as ­Optical Express, Optimax and Ultralase — gave unsatisfactory advice and failed to point out the risks.

These include not only dry eyes, floaters and poor night vision, but also growths where the eye is cut, double vision, foggy vision, chronic eyelid inflammation and even loss of sight.

Shockingly, there is no law preventing any surgeon from ­operating as an ‘eye expert’ — though the Royal College of Ophthalmologists awards a ­Certificate of Competence after a surgeon has demonstrated ­expertise in laser eye surgery. It ­recommends patients choose a surgeon with a minimum of three months’ formal training in laser eye surgery who performs at least 500 eye laser operations a year.

Laser surgery can have permanent side effects such as dry eyes and poor night vision

The Royal College says at least 75 per cent of patients undergoing laser surgery
should end up with 20/20 vision. However, one in three still need glasses — and even when eyesight is successfully corrected, some will also be suffering from some sort of side-effect.

The ‘overall risk’ of something going wrong with laser surgery ­— including floaters and dry eyes — is ‘less than 5 per cent’, according to its report published this year.

The risk of serious complications — such as losing your eyesight — is less than 0.2 per cent. Worryingly, it admits the risk of complications at individual clinics can be as high as 40 per cent.

Retired optometrist Dominic Devlin was so concerned about the lack of information about potential risks, he set up a website to help consumers.

‘As part of my research, I’ve been to consultations and have been ­surprised how little is made of potential problems that might occur,’ he says. Mr Devlin is also concerned many patients believe laser surgery is a permanent cure and think they’ll never have to wear glasses again.

‘The truth is laser eye surgery is not a lifetime fix. Side-effects from surgery mean some people will still need glasses for night-time and, as eyesight changes as we grow older, the vast majority will eventually need glasses for reading.’

Furthermore, he says, surgery can be much more painful and the recovery time might take much longer than people are sometimes led to believe. As illustrator David Holroyd, 57, learned to his cost.

Eighteen months ago, he ­underwent laser eye surgery for short-sightedness, paying £2,600 for treatment at a private clinic near his Manchester home.

‘I’d seen a TV advert that made it look as if it was something you could have done in your lunch hour,’ he says. ‘I was ­struggling with several pairs of glasses — not only did I need bifocals generally, I also had a pair for reading.’

David says his consultation lasted 20 minutes, the ­surgery sounded straightforward and there was no mention of pain.

Yet he claims that within ­seconds of starting the surgery, he was writhing in agony.

My head was in a clamp so I couldn’t move, but I could feel every brush of the laser.

‘I’d had local anaesthetic drops put into my eyes, but the doctors could see from my face I was in excruciating pain.

‘I was in too much agony to even speak, let alone tell them to stop. Yet all the doctor said was: “We are aware. Try to keep still.”

‘The surgery lasted only minutes, but was terrifying. Had I known how painful it would be, I never would have had it done.’

‘Afterwards, I was in bed for three days, followed by two weeks when my sight wasn’t good enough to go out.’

As well as the pain, like Lois and Sarah he has also been left with dry eyes for which he will need drops for the rest of his life.

Now, though his sight is much better, he has been told his eyes will be permanently dry. ‘I just feel angry that I wasn’t warned about any of this,’ he says.

Mr Devlin is campaigning for a proper independent body where patients can seek advice and complain to if surgery goes wrong. He points out that contact lenses are much more sophisticated and cause fewer problems than they did 20 years ago and may be a safer option than laser surgery.

‘If you have a problem with ­contact lenses or glasses, you can pop back to the opticians where it can be easily rectified,’ he says.

‘But adverse side effects from laser surgery might be ­irreversible and permanent.’

Dominic Devlin’s website can be found at laser-eye-surgery-review.com


Why pretty women give birth to more girls... and could lead to shortage of handsome men

By Fiona Macrae

Famously good-looking parents like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, seen here with daughter Suri, are more likely to have girls than uglier couples

Single girls have always grumbled that good-looking men are difficult to find.

But science may have just proved them right – because beautiful women are more likely to have daughters than their plainer counterparts, according to a study.

As parents tend to pass on genes that determine looks, this could result in handsome men becoming rather thin on the ground.

And it may also explain why many models have daughters who follow in their glamorous footsteps – such as Yasmin Le Bon, who is signed to the same modelling agency as daughter Amber, and Jerry Hall, whose daughters Elizabeth and Georgia Jagger have both taken to the catwalk.

Dr Satoshi Kanazawa, of the London School of Economics, analysed data from a survey of 17,000 babies born in Britain in March 1958 and tracked them throughout their lives.

At the age of seven, their attractiveness was rated by their teachers.

When they reached 45, they were asked about the gender of any children they had.
Those rated as attractive were equally likely to have a son or daughter as their first child – but the unattractive sorts were more likely to have a son.

Attractive: Actress Jessica Alba and her husband Cash Warren with their daughter Honor

Put another way, the beautiful women were more likely to have daughters than those who were less blessed in the looks department, the journal Reproductive Sciences will report.

A previous study of 2,000 Americans suggested that women are becoming more beautiful over the generations because attractive women have more children than plain ones – and a higher proportion of their offspring are girls.

Dr Kanazawa believes that parents tend to produce children who benefit from their own attributes.

Beauty, he says, is of more benefit to a woman than a man, and so it pays for attractive women to have daughters.

But couples blessed with strength and aggression rather than looks are better off having boys, as these characteristics are of more use to males.

However, not everyone subscribes to his theory.

Andrew Geltman, a statistician at Columbia University in the U.S., analysed People magazine’s annual 50 most beautiful people lists for 1995 to 2000.

With the featured celebrities slightly more likely to have sons that daughters, his conclusion was the opposite of Dr Kanazawa’s.

And his verdict will probably prove more popular with glamorous mothers such as Victoria Beckham – who has three sons with husband David.

This is not the first time that Kanazawa has come up with a controversial theory.

Earlier this year another of his studies made headlines when it found that men who cheat on their partners are more likely to have lower intelligence.

Dr Kanazawa explained that entering a sexually exclusive relationship is an 'evolutionarily novel' development for them.

According to his theory, intelligent people are more likely to adopt what in evolutionary terms are new practices - to become 'more evolved'.

Therefore, in the case of fidelity, men who cannot adapt and end up succumbing to temptation and cheating are likely to be more stupid.

'The theory predicts that more intelligent men are more likely to value sexual exclusivity than less intelligent men,' he explained.


As if by magic, Harry Potter stars lead Brit rich list... but Emma Watson only comes third

By Liz Thomas

She has earned more at the tender age of 20 than most of us can imagine making in a lifetime.

But despite having more than £20million to her name, Emma Watson has only made it to third place in a list charting the wealthiest British stars aged 30 and under – with her Harry Potter co-star Daniel Radcliffe beating her to the top spot.

Miss Watson’s fortune has come primarily from her role as Hermione Granger in the seven films, topped up by a contract as the face of Burberry and modelling work for Chanel.

Wealthy: Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson are collectively worth more than £65million

But Radcliffe, 21, is estimated to have made more than £45.6million from playing the boy wizard, as well as starring in West End and Broadway productions such as Equus.

Keira Knightley wins second place in the chart, with a £30.1million fortune from roles in films such as Pirates of the Caribbean and Atonement, as well as a modelling contract with Chanel.

But the Potter spell is cast again over fourth place – taken by actor Rupert Grint, who has made £19million from playing Harry’s sidekick Ron Weasley.

The success of teenage vampire films the Twilight Saga has seen 24-year-old Robert Pattinson become a multi-millionaire, earning £18.5million in just a few years.

Coleen Rooney, 24, also scrapes into the top ten, with £9million from deals with Littlewoods, Argos and Nike as well as her ITV2 series.

But Cheryl Cole, 27, only makes it to 14th place, with a relatively modest £7.9million income.

The list was compiled by industry experts for Heat magazine.

Editor Sam Delaney said: ‘The Heat rich list is proof that not all mega-rich people are corrupt, cigar-chomping fat cats.'


'Cheryl's always been there for me,' reveals Dannii Minogue as rival X Factor judges prepare for semi-final showdown

By Jessica Satherley

Yummy mummy: Dannii Minogue say she's bonded more with Cheryl Cole on the set of X Factor since having her son Ethan in July this year

Dannii Minogue might be about to face a battle in The X Factor semifinals against her fellow judge Cheryl Cole, but she’s admitted they’ve become close during the current series.

The Australian’s contestant Matt Cardle is up against the Geordie’s Cher Lloyd and Rebecca Ferguson in the semi-final, but that hasn’t deterred the judges’ friendship.

‘Cheryl’s always been there for me when I’ve had a hard time’, Dannii told Marie Claire in an interview appearing in their latest issue.

Although the women don’t hang out outside the show, saying ‘we’re all too busy’, Dannii said they’ve become closer during this series and since she gave birth to her son Ethan in July this year.

‘Cheryl said to me the other day, ‘I don’t know how you’re doing all this. I know how crazy it is when all the contestants are running in and out and I have no make-up on.

‘And then I think of you trying to fit in feeding the baby as well’’, she added.

Despite Cheryl dominating the headlines as the nation’s sweetheart since joining Dannii on The X Factor judging panel, Kylie Minogue’s little sister is happy with her popularity and body image now.

On-set bonding: Dannii Minogue and Cheryl Cole have bonded this year during the seventh series of X Factor, Dannii told Marie Claire

She has regularly spoken of being compared to her famous older sibling and used to think she was ‘the fat, ugly sister’, but those days are gone for Dannii.

‘Can you imagine for years being asked what it’s like to be Kylie’s sister? I guess it’s my turn now to enjoy what is going right’, she said.

Dannii has definitely become her own star away from Kylie now though and on top of her busy X Factor schedule and motherhood with partner Kris Smith, she also manages her own clothing range and perfume named Project D.

Despite the star launching the brand with business partner Tabitha Somerset Webb when she was six months pregnant, the collection has already been hailed a success and boasted celebrity clients such as Christine Bleakley and Amanda Holden.

But who she'd really like to see in one of her designs is Cheryl, and told Grazia magazine: 'I'd definitely like to see her in a Project D dress - I have a hummingbird one I think would look gorgeous on her and I'd love to see Rebecca [Ferguson] in one of our looks.'

And now her fan base has exploded, Cheryl isn’t Dannii’s only on-set X Factor supporter; Louis Walsh told Marie Claire: ‘Dannii is in it for real. She really cares.

‘I didn’t get her at first, but I do now. She’s a great girl; I really like her. She’s a fighter’, the Irish judge gushed.

Countdown to the finals: X Factor contestants Matt Cardle (left) and Cher Lloyd (right) will face each other and Rebecca Ferguson, Mary Byrne and One Direction in the semifinals this weekend

X Factor finalists: Mary Byrne (left) and Rebecca Ferguson (centre) pop to the pub for a break from their studio, where they've been rehearsing for this weekend's semifinal

And even though the 39-year-old mother-of-one has been on the ITV talent show since 2007, she admits she still gets nervous every time she walks out on stage.

‘I do find it nerve-racking. Every Saturday night at the beginning of the show when I step out onto the stage, I’m terrified.

‘Not about me, but how everyone’s going to get on – whether they’ll stuff it up. You just can’t help getting really involved with your people. It’s their life’, Dannii said.

Dannii has even more reason to be nervous over the next two weeks, as the show comes to end of its seventh series.

After Katie Waissel and Wagner were voted off the show last weekend, only five remaining acts will enter the semifinals this weekend.

Dannii’s last boy standing, Matt Cardle, will be joined on stage by Rebecca Ferguson, Cher Lloyd, Mary Byrne and boyband One Direction.

Although Cheryl Cole’s acts have won the last two series, with Alexandra Burke winning in 2008 and Joe McElderry in 2009, Dannii is confident that Matt Cardle has what it takes to be this year’s winner.

Confidence: Dannii Minogue thinks her last boy standing Matt Cardle has what it takes to be this year's X Factor winner


Anything Newcastle's girls can do The Only Way Is Essex girls can do better

By Daily Mail Reporter

Healthy glow: The Only Way Is Essex stars Lydia Bright (left), Lucy Meck (centre) and Sam Faeirs (right) show off their fake tans in tiny dresses

Temperatures might have fallen below zero last night, with snowfall hitting most of the UK, but The Only Way Is Essex girls were still tanned to perfection and sporting tiny dresses.

They appeared to have taken inspiration from the scantily-clad partygoers of Newcastle, who ventured out in the snow on the weekend wearing not very much themselves.

The reality TV stars put on their stilettos and fake bake to celebrate Sex And The City 2 being released on DVD.

ITV’s favourite Essex girls Sam Faiers and Lucy Meck arrived in their colourful concoctions with James ‘Arg’ Argent and his girlfriend Lydia Bright.

They might have looked like they’d just jetted back to the UK from Marbella but their tans were more likely the result of a spray booth.

Glamour girl Sam showed off her bronzed legs in a little black dress, which boasted a mesh front to make the most of her ample cleavage.

Co-stars: Mark Wright's wingman Arg (left) joined his cast-mates and girlfriend Lydia (left), Lucy (centre) and Sam (right) at the DVD release party

While Lucy made an impact in a fuchsia sheer dress over black tights and knee-high boots, which will surely grab boyfriend Mark Wright’s attention.

Club promoter Mark, 23, had been dating Lucy on the reality TV show in-between his on/off long term relationship with Lauren Goodger, while also constantly flirting with lads mag regular Sam.

But with their friendship going back to their schooldays, Lucy and Sam have managed to overcome any awkwardness to remain good friends.

Metallic madame: Sugababe Jade Ewen looked stunning in a silver knee-length dress with minx nails and a pink feathered cape

Sugababe Jade Ewen joined the Essex cast too for the DVD release party at the Swarovski Crystallized Cosmos and Lounge in London.

And Jade stole the spotlight in a silver knee-length cocktail dress garnished with a pink feathered cape, matching pink Christian Louboutin heels and a Swarovski Crystal bracelet.

She was clearly inspired by a metallic theme and sported charcoal minx nails to match her silver frock.

What snow? There might have been snow in London this morning but last night Lydia went backless (left) and MTV presenter Laura Whitmore (right) went out without a coat too

The only male cast member to join his female co-stars last night though was Arg, who accompanied his girlfriend Lydia.

Platinum blonde Lydia wasn’t letting the below zero temperatures influence her wardrobe choice either and stepped out in a backless silk gown, without a coat.

And MTV presenter Laura Whitmore also braved the cold in a strapless LBD and sheer polka dot blouse.

But we’re sure Sarah Jessica Parker and her Sex And The City co-stars would be proud of their dedication to fashion, despite the freezing forecast.

Coatless glamour: Jade Ewen looked elegant in her ensemble and still managed to smile despite not having a coat in the below freezing temperatures


Cheryl Cole's £3m U.S. deal as singer signs up for American X Factor launch

By Sara Nathan

Bye bye: Cheryl Cole is set to join Simon Cowell on the panel of the U.S., version of the X Factor in a multi-million pound move stateside

One of her acts was sent home this weekend, but it seems Cheryl Cole still has something to celebrate.

The 27-year-old has discovered that she’s landed a place on the judging panel of the U.S. version of The X Factor, according to a source, in a deal worth up to £3million.

An insider had already suggested that Cole was a ‘good bet’ to join Simon Cowell on the show next year.

But on Saturday night, Mrs Cole was officially offered the job, the source said, only a week after executives from U.S. television network Fox flew in to watch the ITV talent show - and the judge - in action.

Cowell, 51, last week revealed that he planned to announce the judges for the U.S. version in December.

The multi-millionaire said: ‘I’m going to make an announcement within three or four weeks, which is going to tell everyone everything. There will be some surprises.’

He then revealed: ‘OK, one of the judges has quite long hair.’

Singer Nicole Scherzinger, who performed her new single Poison on Sunday night’s show, is also a favourite to join the judging panel after a successful stint standing in for Dannii Minogue at the auditions this summer.

Cheryl with her category on Sunday's results show: She joined the show two years ago

Mrs Cole is said to be keen to launch her music career in the U.S. and flew to meet record bosses at Universal earlier this month. They want to release her second solo album, Messy Little Raindrops, there next year.

Cowell helped the singer make the move away from her pop band Girls Aloud when he handed her the X Factor role two years ago.

Since then she has launched a successful solo music career – and increased her fame.

Mrs Cole, who has an estimated £10million fortune, will earn £1.5million for this series of the X Factor – but will make up to twice as much from her U.S. television deal, as the budget for the show is considerably larger.

The new look American Idol line-up: Judges Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez and Randy Jackson. Cowell is hoping trounce the show with the US version of X Factor

She is already accustomed to the U.S. lifestyle, having spent weeks in Los Angeles working on her music and spending time with her close friend Derek Hough as she recovered from malaria.

She was in California as her divorce from her footballer husband Ashley Cole was finalised in October.

Friends of Mrs Cole said she was planning to make this series of the British X Factor her last in a bid to focus on breaking America.

However, she may not have to quit the UK version for the U.S. show as it is still not confirmed when, or if, the X Factor will return to UK screens next year.

A show source said: ‘When Cheryl goes to America she will also launch her music career there too.

Big move: Cheryl's relationship with dancer Derek Hough could also be a plus for her to move to the US

‘It’s the next part of her big plan, she’s an incredibly hard worker and she will definitely get a boost by appearing on the X Factor, which is set to be a sure-fire hit.’

Cowell quit American Idol this year to focus on the launch of X Factor USA.

When the British show finishes next month, Cowell will take a holiday and then start work in the U.S.

A source said: ‘This is everything to Cowell, he has to make sure it’s right.’

An X Factor spokesman said: ‘No decision has been made yet.’


Hugs for Mummy: Emotional family reunion for Gillian McKeith and her daughters after she is finally voted off I'm A Celebrity

By Sarah Bull

Happy families: I'm A Celebrity contestant Gillian McKeith is reunited with her daughters Skyler and Afton in Australia

After 17 days of moaning and annoying her campmates with her refusal to take part in trials, Gillian McKeith's time in the jungle has finally come to an end.

The nutritionist survived the jungle for over two weeks, but caused controversy with her frequent 'fainting', which was deemed 'fake' by many viewers and some of her fellow celebrities.

And Gillian said she was thrilled to be out of the camp, telling Ant and Dec: 'I'm so happy, I'm so happy I cannot tell you! I'm the happiest person alive.'

The 51-year-old was reunited with her daughters Skylar, 16, and Aston, 10, who flew in last week pleading for their mother's eviction.

Skylar McKeith-Magaziner, who greeted her mother off the bridge, told last week how she couldn't wait for the controversial contestant to be voted off the show.

‘To be honest, I would rather my mum comes out now rather than stay in that jungle,' she said upon her arrival in the Gold Coast.

'I want her out so that I know she is okay. I am worried about her. I know she would never quit the show, but now she can be evicted and I can get to see her.'

Her children and husband Howard, who accompanied the girls to Australia, were ecstatic when their wish was granted.

Excited: Gillian McKeith couldn't stop smiling after she was finally voted off I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!

Together again: Skylar greeted her mother as she walked free from camp

Despite her jubilant exit, Gillian declined to be interviewed on ITV morning shows Daybreak or Lorraine this morning.

Writing on her Twitter, Lorraine Kelly said: 'Well Gillian McKeith has decided not to come on Daybreak or my show - should I consider this a birthday pressie?'

Calls made to I'm A Celebrity by the Mail Online were yet to be answered.

Gillian spoke to Ant and Dec after her eviction about the numerous fainting attacks she suffered during her time on the show, insisting they weren't fake.

Gillian said: 'I have a history of fainting, it's not something that I would ever want to do - it feels horrible. When I stood up my legs felt like jelly and then I woke up with the mask on. It's horrible.'

Missing you: Gillian was happy to receive a care package from her family after Jenny, Stacey, Dom and Shaun won a secret mission for the group last week

Legendary: Gillian's many fainting attacks have becoming something of a legend and have gone down in I'm A Celebrity history

She also admitted she had no idea why she had decided to take part in the ITV show considering all her phobias.

Gillian, who took part in EIGHT Bushtucker Trials, said: 'I must have lost my marbles. I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't think I would be picked for all these trials, I thought I would be cooking all the time!'

And Gillian labelled taking part in the trials 'so draining', adding to Ant and Dec: 'The first day I thought that would be it and then each day it would start again and the anxiety levels grew into panic attack mode - I felt as thought I was on high alert all the time.

'I was petrified I was going to get to do more trials. I thought, I've had my Hallelujah moment, I don't want to ruin it.'

Time to go home: It was between Gillian and Aggro Santos, but viewers voted for Gillian to be evicted

Ecstatic: Gillian couldn't believe her luck when she was told she would be going home

The 51-year-old also spoke about the Dreaded Digger task, which Jenny Eclair had taken part in earlier in the show, but which she refused even to try.

She explained: 'I felt like I had a breakdown in that digger. I felt like I was so emotionally raw I had nothing left to give. I would have liked to have tried but my brain wouldn't kick in with all those levers and everything.

'I thought I was going to faint and there would be bugs all over me - I couldn't do it.'

During her interview with Ant and Dec, Gillian was shown footage of her numerous arguments with former Happy Mondays star Shaun Ryder, who was more than a little vocal about his dislike of the TV presenter.

Tentative: Gillian walked slowly across the bridge to meet Ant and Dec for her post-eviction interview

Revealing all: Gillian said she must have 'lost her marbles' by agreeing to go on the show

But Gillian said she doesn't hold a grudge, adding: 'The funny part is we got on sometimes but other times it was just frightening.

'He's a warm-hearted guy, he's kind and generous but there are times I just can't take the way he behaves.'

However, there was one celebrity Gillian connected with more than all the others - former X Factor star Stacey Solomon.

Asked who she wants to be crowned the winner of the show on Saturday, Gillian said: 'Stacey, without a doubt - she's definitely the Queen of the jungle in my book.'

Cringe-making: While Gillian deemed her fainting attacks 'embarrassing', she insisted they were entirely real

But it doesn't look like McKeith will be keeping in touch with former Bond girl Britt Ekland.

The Swedish actress vowed to not 'have anything to do with her' following the nutritionist's 'appalling' behaviour in the jungle.

She told The Sun: 'I found her behaviour and lack of knowledge about the show absolutely astounding for a professional woman. She is a fake - a bloody good fake but a bloody annoying one.'

And it's not just Ms Ekland who is questioning McKeith's professionalism.

The nutritionist's former publicist, Lucy Heather, says she believes she has 'committed career suicide.'

Heather told Reveal magazine: 'When I found out Gillian was going into the jungle, I actually thought it was a joke.

'Gillian is passionate about what she does for a living - she feels very strongly about people eating healthily.

'It's something she's very serious about - which is why going on I'm A Celeb... was such a bad idea.

'Her whole career is based on being credible and anyone watching her won't take her seriously anymore.'


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